Have you wanted to understand more about the Bible? Are your questions being answered?

Join us for Bible Study! The Bible Study Group meets once a month. All are welcome!
Bible study typically generates many questions. Classes and programs offered to the public often do not offer much time for individual questions and comments to be addressed. With that need in mind, the format for this monthly Bible study allows as much time for questions, answers and sharing of insights and inspirations as desired.
Naturally, in-depth Bible research requires accessing numerous resources for clarification and for background information. For this Bible study, individuals look into numerous interpretations, commentaries, translations, concordances, Bible dictionaries and time-appropriate maps, — both before and during the meetings. Discussing the findings of their research, as each verse is considered, the attendees find this results in making the Bible truly their own.
All are welcome to attend these gatherings where a joyous sense of Christian fellowship abounds.
“Search the scriptures; for in them…ye have eternal life.”
— John 5:39