Come in and meet our Pastor

King James version of The Bible and “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy
In the 1900’s it was customary for publishing houses to offer a quiet area called a “reading room” for the purpose of providing a place to become acquainted with their publications prior to purchase.
In that spirit, our Reading Room is a quiet area established for your study and spiritual seeking activities. Books may be borrowed and/or purchased. A library of bound Christian Science periodicals is available for study.
For over 100 years seekers for Truth have found in a Christian Science Reading Room a place of discovery and guidance for their spiritual journey. Our Reading Room has all of the inspirational magazines, pamphlets, tapes, CD’s and books published by the Christian Science Publishing Society in stock, or we can order them for you. In addition, the Reading Room is a library with numerous books and tapes available for you to borrow.
If our temporarily limited hours are not convenient, please email us or leave a message and we’ll try to accommodate your schedule.